Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sadie the runner

It's kinda hard to see
But this is at the Marketplace
And just for the record: Sadie is gonna be a fast runner! :)

Kelsey Swim lessons

Kelsey Swimming! :)

Sadie swim lessons

Sadie swimming across the pool

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sadie's Brown Bear book

So right before Christmas we were in Walmart
And Sadie was sitting in the cart
And as we passed the book aisle, she points to a book and told me she wanted to read it
I was like, whatever makes you sit there and not move kid and gave it to her to read
She opens it up and starts reading it word for word!!!
Jaw on floor....
So turns out this is a book that Molly reads them at Daycare all the time
And sound like they read it quite a lot because she can quote the whole thing :)

Jake's Laugh